Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nearly there chaps and chapesses!

Fine folk of the IML. We are so nearly there. We can nearly taste the sweet smell of victory at our fingertips. We are going to win! This WILL be out by christmas. Hurrah!
There is one more track to come. Right now that track has burst through the undergrowth into a clearing where the IML transport helicopter awaits. It is crouching, tired but still running with a hail of bullets screaming all around, whizzing across our line of sight but mercifully thudding harmlessly into the trees. The smoke grenades are doing their job and providing a thick blanket of cover as we all hang from the chopper doors screaming encouragement and firing blindly into the jungle...erm...yeah anyway... check out the artwork made by Aya"Robotoniku"Saito. It is brilliant. Thanks Aya! We salute you.
As a perfectionist she is prone to making alterations so here is a link to the online cover which will update automatically should any changes be made.
Well done all, for today we are all heroes!


  1. WOW. New favorite cover for sure.

  2. Really really cool. Great work Aya! Good work too Jules for bringing it all home. My ears are twitching in anticipation...
