Honourable folk of the Intercontinental Music Lab,
Well done one and all!
We only gone done and made it. It was touch and go there for a while as to whether it would be complete on time. However, with one final dogged, unwavering and determined push we did it. No man or woman was left behind. Xmas is now nearly upon us and you, my brave foot soldiers of the IML, are home. I lent back against some soft cushions yesterday and listened in detail to the whole album from start to finish. I have said this before and have no qualms about saying it again; the quality of our albums always surprises and delights me. This, ladies and gentlemen, is one hell of an album! Some of our most heavy music to date coupled with some unbelievably tender music too. It really is a pleasure.
Also a special tip of the hat must go to Aya "Robotoniku" Saito for the wonderful album cover and back cover art work. Splendid! Thank you Aya!
Well done to the first time contributors too for all their fantastic material. Bally marvelous!
We pulled together and we fought tooth and nail and the final result is an album packed full of goodness and joyful nuggets to set us up for Xmas. So it is with a heavy heart that I must now leave the war based puns alone as we now look forward to a new year and new project ahead. Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year.
May whichever type of god (or equivalent) you admire most, bless you this festive season.
Jules (Retired - Field Marshall)
Over and out
Yes, and it's a brilliant result. I'm so glad to have been a part of it. Thank you Jules for all that you've done.