Monday, November 29, 2010

Just finished my vocals! I sang over Thom Lyne's track...hopefully I was right in assuming it was a "free choice" topic, as I have no idea what "Daddy Get Your Gun" meant as a title...but I think I picked something appropriate.

I sang about Simo Hayha, the world's most "successful" sniper. He had 505 confirmed kills...and that was just with his sniper rifle. He likely had 200 or so more in traditional combat. He killed almost 700 people, ONE BY ONE. His only response when asked if he regretted it was "I did what I was told to, as well as I could." I think the only way to psychologically deal with this kind of bloodshed is to see war as a game, and that's sort of where I went with the lyrics.

I have a feeling I'm not the only one who did a sniper track...I just hope nobody did the exact same guy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dan. Really like the track. I can't wait to hear this album when it's finished.
